What does the 60/30/10 rule have to do with Color?


The 60/30/10 rule serves as a helpful guideline in interior design, ensuring a balanced and visually appealing color scheme. It prevents colors from overwhelming the space while keeping it visually engaging.

Here’s how it works:

60% Dominant Color: This is the main color that sets the tone for the room. It covers the majority of the space and is typically used on walls, large furniture pieces, and floors. Let’s say you choose white for your walls and kitchen cabinets; it will serve as the dominant color in the room.

30% Secondary Color: This color complements the dominant color and adds depth to the space. As seen in the photo below, warm orange wood tones soften the starkness of all the white in the space.

10% Accent Color: This color is used sparingly to add pops of interest and draw attention to specific elements in the room. It’s incorporated through accessories like throw pillows, artwork, or decorative items.

Here is another example of applying the 60/30/10 rule


 By following the 60/30/10 rule, you’ll achieve a well-balanced and visually appealing interior design.

Now that doesn’t mean you cannot have a 50/50 or a 70/20/10 percent balance. What you need to take from this quick lesson is that you need to create color rhythm and a harmonious look. More about that later!

How have you been using color in a room? Have you ever thought of creating a balance like this intentionally? I know I haven’t. I’d be curious to know your story!

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